Alistair Aitcheson

Games & Playful Technology

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Game developer making interactive performances and playable installations. He uses technology to create experimental art pieces, and to encourage collective creativity in his online and in-person shows.

Alistair works as a one-man studio in Bristol, UK. He is an experienced programmer with a background in mobile and tablet games. He is actively working in the education sector as a designer and developer.

His games often include unusal custom-made controllers such as modified paper shredders. As a performer he is known for his energetic, fearless and inclusive personality.

His games have won awards at the IndieCade and GameCity festivals, and have been installed in museums including the UK's National Videogame Arcade and Berlin's Game Science Center.

If you would like to contact Alistair about his work please email him at:

Alistair frequently posts news of upcoming games and events on his Twitter profile: